BUG-SHIELD is an Organic Botanical Pesticide and also effective plant food. It’s a
combination of various Plants, Seeds and Animal Extracts.
BUG-SHIELD is an organic pesticide effective on all types of insects like white fly, mealy
bug, mites, jassid thrips, army worms, round worm, thread worm caterpillar, borer larva,
paddy larva and all other similar sucking pests.
Sucking pests pierce plants with slender, sharp-pointed mouth parts and suck the plant
sap. Withdrawal of the sap results in minute white, brown, or red spotting on the leaves,
fruits, or stems of the plant. It may also cause curling leaves, deformed fruit, general
wilting, browning, and drying of the entire plant.
The stem borer larvae bore at the base of the plants during the vegetative stage. On older
plants, they bore through the upper nodes and feed toward the base.
BUG-SHIELD delivers following advantages in plant:
- Very effective on all types of Insects, Works as Broad-Spectrum Pesticide.
- Increases plants SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance).
- Can be sprayed on the soil at Soil Preparation Stage to control soil insects.
- Suitable for all stages from nursery to harvesting.
- Does not carry any residue in harvest.
Thoroughly spray your plants, ensuring both sides of the leaves are treated. Apply as a preventive measure or when you spot pest infestations. This economical concentrate gives you long-lasting protection.
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- For all crops 2 ml per litre of water according to crop development stage and insect attacks. Can be applied from nursery to harvesting. 2 L per 200 Litre of water for soil application through drip irrigation, fertigation system or manual drenching.
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