Product Title: NBS Vibrant
A balanced blend of calcium, magnesium and boron with natural complexing agents and plant growth promotants.
Calcium governs cell strength and cell division, optimizing disease resilience, quality and shelf-life. Magnesium is the life blood of chlorophyll and it is a phosphate synergist. Boron is critical for reproduction and acts as a calcium synergist.
Growth Stage
Vegetative Growth
Pre-flower, Flowering, Fruit Set & Fill
Better taste & shelf-life
- Calcium for cell strength & fruit quality
- Magnesium for optimum sugar production
- Boron for healthy flowering & fruit-set
Vegetables: Foliar Spray Rate: 1 L/100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent
Orchards & Vineyards: 1 L/100 L water up to 7 L/ha equivalent
Turf: 1 L/100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent
Broadacre Crops: 2 L/ha in 120 L water.
Apply before crop canopy closure
Crafting Excellence
Sourced Through Rigorous Selection, Created with Precision

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