Product Title: NBS Speed Compost
NBS SPEED COMPOST™ contains organic manure formulation enriched with spores of cellulolytic composting microbes like Trichoderma, Chaetomium, Bacillus etc.
These microbes when added to a raw compost heap/straw, germinate to produce hyphal mycelium or new bacterial cells. These saprophytic microbes grow on solid surfaces & produce a wide range of enzymes like cellulases, proteins & amylases. These enzymes penetrate the raw compost and converts cellulose to sugar intermediates.
Thus, NBS SPEED COMPOST’™ microbes enable rapid digestion of the raw compost/straw and help in recycling of crop residues & wastes effectively. This is possible due to the variety of microbes that digest the plant waste. Digestion of the farm compost matter and wastes results in enriched quality & reclamation of soil. Nutrient contents of the soil are increased manifold, thus resulting in greater crop yields.
Azotobacter Chroococcum - 1.0%
Bacillus Polymyxa- 1.0%
Pseudomonas fluorescens- 1.0%
Organic manure - 96.0%
TOTAL- 100%
• For efficient recycling of organic wastes aerobically
• Essential input for efficient recycling of hard to recycle organic waste yielding stable compost
• Accelerates decomposition of organic waste to useful compost
• Non-toxic, Residue free
- 4 Kg per acre (10 kg/ha)
- Method of Application
- For decomposition (aerobic) mix 4 kg NBS Speed Composttm with 50 kg Urea and spread the
mixture uniformly over 1 acre area and irrigate.
Crafting Excellence
Sourced Through Rigorous Selection, Created with Precision

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