Product Title: NBS K-35
High analysis pH-buffered liquid potassium complexed with organic acids.
Problems with potassium uptake are often pH-related, due to the inherent alkalinity of this element. K-35 involves an organic potassium complex - a buffered, super-available form of potassium. Specifically designed for foliar fertilizing fruit, vegetable and grain crops during the potassium-hungry fruit/seed fill stage.
Growth Stage
Vegetative Growth
Pre-flower, Flowering, Fruit Set & Fill
- Clear foliar spray formulation does not stain
- Enhance fruit/flower size & colour
- Improve taste & shelf-life
Vegetables: Foliar Spray Rate: 1 L/100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent
Orchards & Vineyards: 1 L/100 L water up to 7 L/ha equivalent
Turf: 1 L/100 L water up to 5 L/ha equivalent
Broadacre Crops: 2 L/ha in 120 L water. Apply before crop canopy closure
Crafting Excellence
Sourced Through Rigorous Selection, Created with Precision

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